January e-Newsletter: Teacher Feature & Classroom Corner
Mr. Jeff Bushman, Pacelli Catholic High School
Mr. Bushman was selected as the first Teacher Feature. Mr. Bushman has been working at Pacelli Catholic Schools for 9 years. He is the Director of Technology for the entire system as well as a teacher at Pacelli Catholic High School. He teaches a variety of classes including Film Studies and, brand new to PCHS, Intro to Computer Science. He recently was selected for Skyward’s Leaders in Excellence Award. The award recognizes individuals and school districts from across the country using Skyward to enhance education and inspire creative ideas in their school. Outside of school, he enjoys spending time with his family, golfing, and watching movies.
8th Grade Robotics Class, Pacelli Catholic Middle School
The Robotics class taught by Mrs. Brocken is featured in this month’s Classroom Corner. This is the third year Pacelli Catholic Middle School has offered Robotics, and the class is required for all 8th graders. Robotics class challenges students to expand their problem solving, creative thinking, and communication skills. The students are not given any directions to follow, requiring them to think outside the box. Students are able to work at their own pace during the course. Many of the students said the best part of the class was seeing their creations come together after all the hard work they had put in.
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