Our Faith
Pacelli Catholic Schools strives to help students develop their unique God-given gifts and talents. This process begins with a sustained commitment to educate children in the Catholic faith. All students participate in religious instruction, liturgical celebrations, student retreats, and service initiatives.

Religious instruction encompasses the study, knowledge, and pursuit of God through Scripture, service, worship and prayer. Students attend weekly Mass and participate in service learning experiences at all grade levels. We are committed to forming and strengthening each student’s relationship with Jesus Christ and seek to provide an authentically Catholic educational experience where students learn, love, and live their faith in service to others.
catholic discipleship
A focal point of Pacelli Catholic Schools is to help our children be better disciples of Jesus Christ, not just in word, but in action as well. Faith is stressed not only in religion classes, but throughout the day, on the athletic fields, the music stage, and more. The gospel of Jesus is the reason our school exists, and helping our students grow in their understanding of faith is extremely important.
PCS focuses on discipleship at all levels, from kindergarten to grade 12 and through our administration, Education Commission, and Finance Council. Regular mass, service, retreats, adoration, sacraments, and education happen in all our school buildings. The Campus Ministry Team meets regularly to find more ways to help students grow in their faith, and to share that faith with others.
Pacelli Catholic Schools believes service in the community, parish, and home is a vital part of a student’s education. Therefore, it is the foundation of our Catholic education.
Pacelli Catholic Schools believes in the importance of service and helping others as part of our Catholic discipleship. As a system, we believe that learning and service are connected to the intellectual and moral development of each student. The goal for our students is to serve our community in a variety of ways: service to community, service to parish, service to family, service to each other.
Through service, our students will gain a sense of compassion for others, leading to a desire to contribute to the greater good of the community. Service learning helps develop important skills including teamwork, leadership and Catholic discipleship.
early childhood-grade 5
At the elementary level the students internally do service for their fellow students, younger/older students, teachers, parents, and parish. Some examples are:
- Cards/prayers for homebound or hospitalized
- Coats for Kids
- Growing plants for the neighborhood
- Birthday cards for senior parishioners
- Working with residents at the Lincoln Center
- Salvation Army
- Cancer Center
- May Baskets
- Nursing home visits
- Prayer Services
- Fundraisers
grades 6-8
Pacelli Catholic Middle School students are required to do 3 hours of service per quarter as part of their religion grade. This helps them to understand the needs of their community while developing a genuine love of service.
Some examples of service are:
- Cards/prayers for homebound or hospitalized
- Coats for Kids
- May Baskets
- Food collections
- Nursing home visits
- Prayer Services
- Fundraisers
- Make a Difference Day
grades 9-12
High school students have numerous opportunities throughout the year to participate in service learning. Teachers are encouraged to develop units and lessons that put students in activities that connect them to their parishes, community organizations, and others in need. Examples include our support of local food pantries, St. Vincent De Paul, and crisis centers. The students not only learn about the content, they also grow as disciples in Christ.
Each October, the senior class conducts a city-wide service day in which small teams canvas the city providing service to various groups. The high school also support Make A Difference Day and the Empty Bowls Campaign.
During our J-Term, students have opportunities to participate in classes such as Literal Service Learning and the Bi-Annual Mission Trip to the Diocesan Mission – Casa Hogar.
The high school students have adopted a student at the Diocesan Mission and fundraise to offset costs related to her education.
During the summer middle and high school students are encouraged to participate in parish based service opportunities.
religious education
School curriculum
A specific diocesan curriculum is provided to all schools in the area of religion. Religion is to be taught daily, and students attend mass every week, taking roles in the liturgical celebration. Additionally, special activities are held during the liturgical year, such as during Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, to enhance student’s understanding of the scripture, morals and other Catholic traditions. The diocesan Virtues Program is also part of the religion program. Students make their First Communion and First Reconciliation in their own parishes. After that has been done, these sacraments are celebrated regularly throughout the school year.
Teachers and Administrators are required by the Diocese of La Crosse to obtain Basic and Advanced Certification in Personal Faith Formation. New teachers will complete Basic Certification within the first two years of employment. Initial Advanced Certification requires 90 hours (82 for certified teachers) earned over a five-year cycle in the areas of Methods, Scripture and Doctrine (Theology).
We are very fortunate to be a part of the Stevens Point Catholic Deanery with many parishes supporting the mission of Catholic education in our community. Thank you to the parishioners, pastors, and parishes for supporting Pacelli Catholic Schools!
Commission Parishes & Pastors:
- Very Rev. John Potaczek, Dean, Stevens Point Catholic Deanery & Pastor, St. Peter Parish & St. Casimir Parish
- Rev. Arturo Vigeuras, Pastor, St. Bronislava Parish
- Rev. Steve Brice, Pastor, Holy Spirit Parish
- Rev. Jeffrey Hennes, Pastor, St. Joseph Parish & St. Stephen Parish
- Rev. Todd Mlsna, Chaplain, Pacelli Catholic Schools & Associate Pastor, Holy Spirit, St. Joseph, St. Peter, & St. Stephen Parishes
Parishes also supporting Pacelli Catholic Schools:
- St. Mary Immaculate Conception Parish, Custer
- Sacred Heart Parish, Polonia
- St. Adalbert Parish, Rosholt
- St. Bartholomew Parish, Mill Creek
- St. Casimir Parish, Hull
- St. James Parish, Amherst
- St. Mary Immaculate Conception Torun Parish, Dewey
- St. Mary of Mount Carmel Parish, Fancher
- St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, Almond
- St. Michael Parish, Junction City
- St. Wenceslaus Parish, Milladore
Check out the Stevens Point Catholic Deanery website, which includes directory information for all of the deanery parishes and schools.
More information: Parish Mass Schedules | Stevens Point Deanery Parish Directory | Stevens Point Deanery Facebook
diocese of la crosse

The Roman Catholic Diocese of La Crosse covers an area of west-central Wisconsin, including the city of La Crosse and 19 counties: Adams, Buffalo, Chippewa, Clark, Crawford, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Marathon, Monroe, Pepin, Pierce, Portage, Richland, Trempealeau, Vernon, and Wood.
Pacelli Catholic Schools, along with all of our supporting parishes, operate under the direction of Bishop Gerard W. Battersby and the Diocese.