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Lunch Program


The Pacelli Catholic Schools Nutritional Team is dedicated to providing wholesome appetizing food choices for students and staff at a reasonable cost. These choices contribute to the good nutrition that is so vital to both mental and physical growth of our children.

Food Service Director
Matt Staiert| 715-341-2442 ext. 1307 | mstaiert@pacellicatholicschools.com

Lunch Prices 2023-2024 prices, subject to change for 2024-2025

K-8: $3.25 / Reduced: $.40
High School: $3.50 / Reduced: $.40
Staff/Visitor: $4.50
Extra Milk: $.45


  • Parents may log in to Skyward and make payment online through RevTrack.  If you need login and password information please contact Kristin Plaski – kplaski@pacellicatholicschools.com or 715-341-2442.

As a reminder all students should have a positive lunch balance in their account.  We encourage all parents to deposit money into their account prior to the first day of school.

Online Payments
To submit your payment online:

Use the Revtrak site, https://spacs.revtrak.net/

Free or Reduced Lunches
Free or Reduced Lunch Application
Free or Reduced Lunch Application Instructions
Free or Reduced Lunch FAQs

Check Your Account Balance

PCS Wellness Policy