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Registration Information

We are glad you are considering Pacelli Catholic Schools (PCS). Our commitment is to prepare you for a Christian life while providing academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment. On this page you will be able to access the latest documents and forms containing current information about the registration process in the PCS System.

2024-2025 Pacelli Catholic Schools Registration (4K-12):

2024-2025 3K Registration

2024-2025 Point 4 The Future & 4K Extension Registration 

For more information please contact PCS Admissions Director, Heather Engebretson
Call: 715-341-2445
Email: hengebretson@pacellicatholicschools.com

2023-2024 Pacelli Catholic Schools Registration (4K-12):

2023-2024 3K Registration

2023-2024 Point 4 The Future & 4K Extension Registration 

For more information please contact PCS Admissions Director, Heather Engebretson
Call: 715-341-2445
Email: hengebretson@pacellicatholicschools.com

Early Childhood Center Registration: