Community Corner: October e-Newsletter
Take part in SentryWorld’s Close the Course Run on Nov. 9 featuring both 2.5 and 5 mile run/walk options.
Central Rivers Farmshed is hosting a “Before there was a Thanksgiving” Community Potluck on Nov. 13 showcasing foods indigenous to the Americas. Bring a dish to pass and a recipe to share!
Attend the Central Wisconsin HATCH Finale on Nov. 13 at John & Patty Noel’s Car Barn where you get to be a judge in this entrepreneurial competition where the winner takes home prize money to invest in their business venture.
Don’t miss the Downtown Stevens Point Holiday Parade on Friday, Nov. 22.
Make room for turkey and mashed potatoes it by participating in the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28.
Spot community updates or events? Share it with to include in the new Community Corner section of our e-newsletter and website.
See Pacelli in the news? Send it to for inclusion on our website, social media sites, or e-newsletters.
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