April e-Newsletter: In the News

The following are news snippets from the April e-Newsletter highlighting the Pacelli Catholic School system, individual students, alumni, staff, and members of the PCS community who have recently been highlighted for their accomplishments.

PCHS baseball team catcher Calvin Hintz was featured in the Central Wisconsin Sports Student Athlete Spotlight earlier this month.

Students of all grades, K-12, gathered on April 7 at St. Bronislava Parish to celebrate mass with Bishop Callahan.

Attendees of the Bishop’s Mass were delighted to a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace performed by the PCHS Chamber Choir.

April 28-April 30 will be full of drama at PCHS as high school students, in two casts, will perform Agatha Christie’s murder mystery “And Then There Were None.”

PCHS Juniors Andy Tepp & Brook Nagorski were each recognized by the Stevens Point Journal as Athletes of the Week for their contributions to the baseball and softball teams, respectively.

Alumnus Mickey Odden ’15 won the Freshman Band Student of the Year award from Marquette University in Milwaukee.

Two high school Destination Imagination (DI) teams, Alpha/Omega and Omikron, qualified for the Global Finals competition after winning first and second place at the state competition held at UWSP on April 16.

Students at Pacelli Catholic Elementary School-St. Bronislava collected food and toiletries to assemble Blessing Bags which were donated to Operation Bootstrap and the Franciscan center.

Congratulations to Kendra Robinson who was named Offensive Player of the Year for the Red Panther girls hockey co-op team, leading the team with 26 points on the season.

PCS students Luke & Sam Carpenter were featured in the Stevens Point City Times “Photo of the Day” after a successful day of participating in the youth turkey hunt.

Kaitlyn Sopa, PCMS student, received the Kiwanis Club Make a Difference Award on April 5.

PCHS senior Chris Karch was awarded the Hobey Baker Award, given to a hockey player possessing values of character, commitment, teamwork, persistence, selflessness, academic excellence, and sportsmanship.

Upholding annual tradition, 6th grade students participated in the wax museum event, where each student selects an icon to research and portray, freezing time for all to enjoy.

Congratulations to our boys and girls basketball athletes, Chris Shibilski, Jake Elliott, and Christonna Shafranski, for earning individual honors for their on court accomplishments.

PCS staff celebrated the 25th annual staff appreciation event on April 20 where individuals were recognized for their years of service. Special awards were given to Nancy Lensmire (Mother Theresa Outstanding Service Award), Jodi Olszewski (Holy Family Award), and Patti Henning (Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Award for Outstanding Teacher).

Pacelli Catholic Elementary School-St. Stephen students busied themselves making lollipop and flower bouquets for patients of the oncology unit at Ministry Saint Michael’s Hospital.

Defending state champs, the Pacelli softball team is moving up a division and preparing for a tough season that hopefully ends in the road to another state title. See the WSAW story here. The team was also featured in a Portage County Gazette article.

The Portage County Gazette featured Pacelli baseball as a top Division 3 contender this season.

Jeff Bushman, PCS Director of Technology, was previously recognized by Skyward as one of the 2016 Leaders in Excellence. Skyward recently created a great video showcasing the system-wide STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) educational programs for students of all ages.

See Pacelli in the news? Send it to pacelli@pacellicatholicschools.com for inclusion on our website, social media sites, or e-newsletters.

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