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Parent Communication

If there is an academic concern, the student is encouraged to talk to the teacher. Parents are also encouraged to speak directly to the teacher about a child’s academic progress. Clear, open, direct communication between the concerned parties is essential before getting third parties involved. Skyward online grading, telephone calls, conferences, academic checks or progress reports are all means of establishing this communication. No failure grade will be given to a student for a quarter or semester without prior communication between teacher and parent/guardian.

Academic checks may be initiated for weekly monitoring of a student’s progress by the parent or school staff . This should be done through the student’s mentor.

Report Cards/Conferences

Scheduled Parent/Student/Teacher conferences occur twice each year; at the end of the first quarter and during the third quarter. Please check the calendar for specific dates and times. Students are strongly encouraged to attend conferences with their parent or guardians since direct communication among teacher, parent and student is the best avenue to resolve academic concerns. A copy of the semester report card is kept in school files. Parents are expected to check Skyward for report cards prior to conferences. Pacelli will not print report cards.