Welcome to the Pacelli Catholic High School!
At Pacelli Catholic, we have so many things to be proud of and excited about! Everything from our recent facility updates, successful capital campaign, and new technology, to the new College/Career Readiness Programs and the continued growth of our campus ministry program, but we are most proud of the success of our students!
As we begin a new school year, it is exciting to be a part of the great energy and climate of Pacelli Catholic High School. Each summer, members of the junior and senior classes meet to prepare for the start of school. The spirit and energy that they create is second-to-none! We are proud of our student-centered approach to creating our school environment.
Not only are we proud of our school climate, we are also proud to be recognized as one of the top high schools in the state of Wisconsin. Recently, Pacelli Catholic High School was informed that they are in the top 10% for high school-to-college success based on a report created by ACT and the UW College System. The report shows that Pacelli Catholic High School graduates have “a significant advantage” over their peers in college when it comes to succeeding in college courses. A recent study identified three reasons for Pacelli graduates’ success:
We have often heard about how successful our Pacelli alumni are in college; it is AWESOME to see the data to support this claim.
As we move through the school year, I encourage you to stay connected with us here at Pacelli Catholic High School. You can keep informed about the school by coming to the Pacelli website or following us on Twitter and Instagram at PacelliPride. You can find PacelliPride by clicking the social media links on the website or searching for PacelliPride from your Instagram or Twitter account.
Again, thank you for visiting us here on the web! I look forward to seeing you around school and at Pacelli events!
God bless, and as always GO CARDINALS!
Larry Theiss
Pacelli Catholic High School
Follow Pacelli Catholic Schools on Instagram and Twitter: PacelliPride