Pacelli Catholic Middle School came into being in 1987, under the name of St. Peter Middle School, due to consolidation in the Stevens Point Area Catholic Schools. As of July 2015, the system name was changed to Pacelli Catholic Schools and the middle school’s name changed to Pacelli Catholic Middle School. To teach middle school students is to work with young people who are at a crossroad of change. They bring into the classroom tremendous energy and curiosity. Middle school students believe in themselves and in their abilities to live their dreams. Teachers and parents have the responsibility to encourage them to become part of their dreams, to give them the avenues for attaining knowledge, and to strengthen their belief and faith in God and themselves.
The middle school provides a unique opportunity to foster and encourage these child/adult dreams. Classes, activities, and special programs are focused toward the effective and academic needs of students leaving childhood and entering early adolescence. Each 6th, 7th, and 8th grade student is placed into unit with a team of three to four teachers. Each unit team meets to plan and discuss issues pertinent to their students.
Pacelli Catholic Middle School places a high value on respect, self-discipline, and good behavior. A major responsibility of our educational program is to encourage good citizenship and high moral values. Students are expected to display proper respect for people and to follow the necessary rules and regulations. It is essential that students understand and accept their responsibilities as students and citizens.