Concert Band
Concert Band is the core of the instrumental music program. The student will study basic components of music theory and history while preparing varying repertoire for performances. Through performance, students will show their understanding of the concepts taught in class and become informed consumers of music and strong advocates of the arts in their community. Every band student will receive approximately six individual lessons with the instructor per quarter. Lessons will be used to refine musical concepts and instrumental technique on a more individualized basis. The student will perform in concerts, solo/ensemble, academic functions (homecoming, pep band, graduation, etc.), and festivals throughout the course of the year. The Pacelli Catholic High School Concert Band is a member of the Wisconsin School Music Association.
Jazz Band
Jazz Band is a performance group comprised of members of the concert band who express an interest in the ensemble. Auditions will be held in early September. Jazz Band rehearsal is before school on Monday and Wednesday from 7:00-7:40 AM. Members of the ensemble will study a variety of jazz styles, theory, history, and improvisation. The jazz band performs at several concerts and festivals throughout the academic year.
Pep Band
The Cardinal Marching Band marches in two parades and prepares a halftime show for the homecoming game each year. The purpose of the band is to exhilarate and electrify the crowd while proclaiming our Pacelli Pride.